The library is heaven and hell at the same time

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hello mates!

It sure is hard to keep up updating blogs daily, especially when your internet quota is depleted. Finally recharged my quota yesterday though. awesome. If you are wondering why i put that title, it's because i found out that the library in my uni is really beautiful, and often populated with attractive people. But, it is so big, it is quite challenging to find the book i want. On top of that, I ended up borrowing a book from the reserve section, and returned it 22 hours late, which resulted in a $ 20 fine. sucks. Must becareful next time. Anyway, must go back to my mountains of assignments.. cheers!

this weeks cool stuff:

Damn it! I want this camera! It has really cool analog gauges on top of it.

Btw, I wonder what the Americans are planning to do with this device that looks like a superweapon:



Kikha Arinda March 4, 2009 at 4:47 PM  

rim beli eos 5d ajaa! SADIS haahaha pengen gue :s

Karim Woods March 4, 2009 at 6:36 PM  

tapi gw lebih ngiler ama yang ini... keren banget kameranya... >.<

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